


We have won places on various procurement frameworks for IT products and services. These frameworks establish the contractual terms, ensuring you always benefit from fair pricing and top-notch service. This also gives you peace of mind from working with a trusted provider that delivers good value for money.

Crown Commercial Service

Technology Products and Associated Services 2 – TEPAS 2 (RM6098)

Cyber Services 3 (RM3764.3)

Digital Outcomes 6 (RM1043.8)

Technology Online Purchasing Content (RM6147)

Technology Services 3 (RM6100)

G-Cloud 13 (RM1557.13)

Crescent Purchasing Consortium

Hardware and Peripherals Equipment (CPC/JE/01/2019)


ICT Framework

Kent Commercial Services

ICT Managed Services and Consultancy (Y23038)

IT Hardware (Y21028)

Liverpool City Council

ICT Framework 2

National Procurement Service

All Wales IT Products and Services 2

NHS Small Business Services

Digital Workplace Solutions

Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation

Technology Hardware, Software and Services

Provides public sector buyers with a flexible way to buy technology products and associated services. Includes all their end-user devices, technology infrastructure and software needs.

Enables procurement of all the technology products you need, including:

- end-to-end user devices

- technology infrastructure

- network and security devices

- peripherals

- software needs.


- a wide range of products, software and services

- 4 ways to buy: further competition, simplified further competition, direct award and catalogue

- supply chain assurance through Electronics Watch affiliation which gives better transparency data regarding supply chain violations for modern slavery and rights infringement

- provides a variety of ways to get goods and services such as the leasing of goods, consumption models and as a service models

Lot 1 – Hardware and Software

Lot 2 – Hardware

Lot 3 – Software

Lot 4 – Information Assured Technology>

Lot 6 – Education Technology

Lot 7 – Sustainability and Circular I.T.

Lot 8 – Technology Catalogue

Technology Products and Associated Services 2 – TEPAS 2 (RM6098)

This framework provides Cyber Services with all included in one Lot consisting of -

- consultancy and advice, including:

- risk assessment and management

- audit and reviews

- security architecture

- certification

- training

- policy

- security specialists

- supply chain analysis

- cyber transformation

- security strategy

- penetration testing, including the NSCS assured service CHECK and IT health check.

- incident management, including cyber incident response, disaster recovery, threat intelligence and business continuity disaster recovery (BCDR

- data destruction and IT sanitisation, the process of removing data so it cannot be accessed.

- managed security services, including crest accredited Security Operations Centre (SOC) and managed detection and response.

Cyber Services 3 (RM3764.3)

Supply of digital services that can be provided by 1 person or by a team. (Professional Services)

Digital Outcomes 6 (RM1043.8)

Offers public sector buyers a quick and easy way to source their technology product’s needs. This agreement is an online catalogue which allows the buyer to buy from the cheapest-priced supplier for their needs.

Public sector buyers can buy off-the-shelf hardware, software, and related commoditised services such as support packs and extended warranties.

The contract length is 2 years with the option to extend for a further 2 periods of 12 months.

Technology Online Purchasing Content (RM6147)

Provides access to technology strategy and service design as well as services to support moving to the operational running of an IT estate. It also provides support for large projects, up to top secret classification and a range of other technology services such as:

- provision and management of IT service desk

- end user device support

- network support

- asset disposal and application maintenance

- IT infrastructure support (for example, server and storage hardware)

Lot 1: Technology Strategy and Service Design

Lot 3a: Operational Services - End User Services

Lot 3b: Operational Services - Operational Management

Lot 3c: Operational Services - Technical Management

Lot 3d: Operational Services - Application and Data Management

Technology Services 3 (RM6100)

An online catalogue where public sector customers can buy cloud-based computing services such as hosting, software and cloud support. Includes many off-the-shelf, pay-as-you-go cloud solutions.

Services include:

cloud hosting

cloud software

cloud support

Any call-off contract will initially last for a maximum of up to 36 months, extendable up to 48 months.

Lot 1 – Cloud Hosting

Lot 2 – Cloud Services

Lot 3 – Cloud Support

G-Cloud 13 (RM1557.13)

CPC’s ICT framework supplies and delivers ICT hardware, peripherals and support services. You can get quotes from trusted suppliers across a complete range of new IT equipment and accessories from each of the five dedicated lots. Refurbished and remanufactured equipment is also available. Orders made via the framework benefit from free standard delivery.

An overview of the equipment and services available is detailed under each lot – the lists are not exhaustive.

Lot 1 – Desktop PC Solutions

Desktop computers include monitors, keyboards, and mice (wired and wireless): thin clients, high performance and gaming desktops. Bespoke equipment and new technologies provide a desktop solution. Accessories, cables, imaging, maintenance, and other relevant services include asset tagging, training and support.

Lot 2 – Portable Device Solutions

Laptops, notebooks, netbooks including Chromebooks, tablets, PDA’s, mobile internet devices (excluding mobile phones), charging carts, docking stations, storage trolleys, and other products. Bespoke equipment and new technologies for portable device solutions. Accessories, cables, imaging, maintenance, and other relevant services include asset tagging, training and support.

Lot 5 – Multi-Purpose Lot

This multi-purpose lot covers the products and services featured in lots 1, 2 and 3. You can use this lot if you need to order from two or more lots. You may use the relevant individual lots if you prefer.

ICT Hardware and Peripherals Equipment (CPC/JE/01/2019)

Designed for schools but available to all public sector bodies, this FTS-compliant ICT framework enables schools, academy trusts, and other institutions to procure a wide range of ICT and Technology services easily, quickly and at no cost to the customer, including:

Lot 3 - Hardware

Sub-lot 1: Mobile Devices

Procuring new and refurbished mobile devices like laptops, tablets, cloud devices, mobile communication devices, e-readers, and associated services like planning, delivery, installation and configuration, WEEE-compliant recycling, and white glove services.

Sub-lot 2: Fixed Devices

For the procurement of new and refurbished desktop or fixed devices like desktop computers, display screens, all-in-one devices, cloud devices, thin-client devices, and low power supplementary curriculum devices and associated services like planning, delivery, installation and configuration, WEEE compliant recycling, and white glove services.

Sub-lot 3: Peripherals

For the procurement of peripherals like educational devices, storage and charging for a range of mobile devices, voting and class interactivity systems, wearable technologies, subject specific peripherals for recording data, SEND equipment, visualisers, audio and video production equipment, recording devices, audio interfaces, music peripherals, cables and connections, keyboards and mice, and associated services like planning, delivery, installation and configuration, and WEEE compliant recycling

Sub-lot 4: Device Services

For the procurement of devices services. You would procure under this sub-lot if you already had the hardware and wanted to procure a supplier to provide services like desktop deployment, configuration and setup (on or off-premises), white glove services, unbox and waste management, warranty and maintenance, recycling or repurposing and WEEE compliance, training, and catalogue services.

Enframe ICT Framework

Open to all Public Sector. Direct Award available.

Lot 1

ICT managed services include:

- ICT Support and maintenance

- On-site support

- Remote support

- Annual health check

- Pre Ofsted check

- Routine maintenance

- MIS support

- Training

ICT strategy and planning


Cloud solutions

Safeguarding and security

Strategy and planning

Data storage and back up

Networking solutions

ICT infrastructure


ICT Managed Services and Consultancy (Y23038)

The framework provided by KCS Procurement Services covers the provision of a full range of IT Hardware including new, refurbished and re-manufactured as well as repair, disposal and associated services including support and maintenance. This framework is split into 4 Lots.

The framework includes, but is not limited to, the following product groups:

Desktop PCs



Thin client


Storage devices


Desktop printers

Spare parts and components

Networking and storage hardware

Associated services may extend beyond the scope of the goods/services purchased and may include, but not be limited to:

End-user support


Service desk



Project management


Asset management


Approved destruction of products

Secure data erasure and destruction

Secure computer recycling and disposal

Auditable trail

Lot 1 - The Provision of New IT Hardware Products

Lot 2 - The Provision of Remanufactured IT Hardware Products

Lot 3 - The Provision of Refurbished IT Hardware Products

Lot 4 - The Provision of Repair, Disposal and Recycling Services

IT Hardware (Y21028)

A framework for Liverpool area public sector bodies including schools

The Framework is split into lots as follows:

- The Supply of Corporate ICT Hardware

- The Supply of Education ICT Hardware

Liverpool City Council ICT Framework 2

Centerprise can provide a range of Products and/ or Services under the following Lots:

Lot 2 - Hardware;

Lot 5 - Solutions.

All Wales IT Products and Services 2

The Digital Workplace Solutions Framework Agreement, which replaced the popular Link: IT Solutions framework agreement, provides a compliant route to market for the procurement of full end-to-end IT solutions, and individual elements of IT solutions.

The digital framework can ensure delivery of effective consumer-oriented technologies that meet your requirements across a range of IT infrastructure areas.

This includes:

- data centre infrastructure, servers and storage,

- networking and security products,

- end user computing hardware and software,

- bespoke software,

- professional services and training.

The main objective of this digital workplace solutions framework is to meet complex customer-specific requirements through provision of a bundled solution of IT products and services, which may include elements from several of the different categories available.

The full breakdown of products and services available are including, but not limited to: servers, storage, data centre infrastructure, switches, back-up and recovery, client devices, virtualization platforms, VDI connection protocol, virtualization management, session broker, desktop operating systems, application virtualization, profile and data re-direction, client access licenses, environment specific application software, application validation, and software including complete off the shelf, third party, niche and bespoke, security products, professional services/consultancy/implementation services, networking, maintenance and management, training and all other associated services and peripherals.

Digital Workplace Solutions

This framework is for the provision of hardware, software and associated services, from the supply of ICT equipment and applications through to secure hardware asset destruction provided as a Services, including subscription-based 'anything as a service' models, operational services to manage the provision of your technology requirement and service design and implementation for assisting with evaluating and improving your technology infrastructure.

Free to access, easy to utilise and designed to meet the needs of all public sector organisations, including Central Government, Charities, Housing, Education, Emergency Services, Local Authority and NHS establishments.

Lot 4 – Anything as a Service (XaaS)

Technology Hardware, Software and Services
