Online training has become a necessity during this COVID-19 period, as more businesses have shifted to remote working. However, it can lead to disgruntled team members who feel separated from the team and often leave with more questions than answers. Enter Blended Learning (BL).
Blended Learning is the merging of in-office and online training, giving organisations more flexibility and reducing the issues online training may bring. Read on for five essential Blended Learning technology tools that we at Centerprise recommend to build the perfect Blended Learning experience for you:
Schools and other educational institutes can also utilise technological tools to take advantage of Blended Learning via Office365 (O365) solution. A Microsoft Gold Partner and Cloud Service Provider, Centerprise is the ideal partner to help you facilitate a tailor-made solution. O365 is a digital learning platform that gives teachers and students the ability to work together in real-time. Task updates, subject material, and extra study resources are all instantly accessible and stored online, bringing the classroom to life remotely.
For more information on Office365 as a digital learning platform, click here.
The ultimate aid to building an ideal BL operation, finding a Learning Management Systems (LMS) partner, should be at the top of your list of Blended Learning technology tools. They can design your system to facilitate both in-office and remote training. And once in place, your LMS partner can work with you to create personalised training experiences while tracking employee progress. This ensures an efficient process as you can quickly see how effective the program is, including areas that need to adapted or improved to better staff performance.
Digital badges are a prominent Blended Learning technology tool that can be game-changing when applied right. Each badge would contain information about the skills and accomplishments reached. They can help staff distinguish the different courses within a learning management system as well as incentivise employees to perform highly due to a tracking or even ranking system, with top performers earning rewards.
Several companies, such as Bestr and Open Badge Factory, provide elite digital badge service, they are a simple and productive way to improve your staff’s learning experience.
Gamification in training helps employees actively learn in a less stressful environment by bringing a different type of energy to the session, adding immense value to Blended Learning. One such way is through Audience Response Systems (ARS). During the session, the staff gains a device pre-installed with an ARS app. The instructor then asks various questions on a specific topic, with the answers inputted in the app and processed immediately before displayed back to the users in a graph format.
It can be a highly beneficial Blended Learning technology tool that helps staff to remain engaged while recording data for future training use.
Webinars help smooth the combination of in-office and remote training and are the perfect happy medium for a Blended Learning environment. Staff interaction, whether it be peer-to-peer or peer-to-instructor, can be done, and the webinar itself recorded for those who miss the session.
For encouraging participation, webinars should be scheduled at a convenient time for all, with timely reminders of the session and what it will entail before the date. This gives staff ample time to do background research on the topic and plan questions they may wish to ask.
In-office training can be challenging to execute as you have to manage multiple varying schedules, and online learning can be inefficient as it’s harder to keep staff engaged. However, with Blended Learning, you create a combined environment that has all of the benefits and none of the drawbacks! This is why it’s quickly becoming a “must-have” for companies, especially as we transition towards a post-lockdown world.
Contact Centerprise now to discuss everything Blended Learning! Our specialised experts are on-call to answer any questions you may have.