At this point, we know what “the cloud” is- software and services existing and operating on the Internet instead of a local hard drive or on-premise network of servers- but what exactly is meant by the term “cloud adoption”? Simply put, cloud adoption is a strategy organisation use to improve the scalability of Internet-based database capabilities in a cost and risk effective manner.
In 2020, cloud computing is commonly referred to as a complete must-have. It offers enhanced security, stability, is cost-efficient, and provides greater flexibility to your IT set-up. The increased flexibility is especially prominent in today’s climate, where the digitalised nature of business operations frequently evolves as technology innovativeness surges.
The cloud is here to stay and remains growing in importance and taking the business world by storm. Here are some relevant cloud adoption statistics you need to know:
2020 - 83% of enterprise capacities in the cloud
By 2020’s end, it’s predicted that 41% of an organisation’s workload will operate on public cloud platforms, 20% on private cloud-based, and 22% on hybrid-cloud services.
Additional research conducted by Forbes forecasts that only 27% of workloads will be on-premise after 2020, a 10% decrease from a 37% amount in 2019.
94% of businesses use cloud
Right Scale’s yearly State of the Cloud Report 2019 declared 91% of businesses utilised public cloud, 72% used private, and 69% opted for a hybrid-cloud platform.
Cloud adoption trends highlight the potential advantage of using both public and private cloud solutions simultaneously to experience greater flexibility and variety. Out of all the businesses polled, only 22% used the public cloud exclusively, and 3% used the private cloud exclusively.
45% of enterprises opt for hybrid-cloud.
In 2019, 45% of enterprises deployed a hybrid-cloud solution. 31% see the public cloud as their top priority, 9% prioritised an on-premises private cloud, and 6% opted for a hosted private cloud.
Amazon Web Services remained the king among providers with a 67% adoption rate, ahead of Microsoft Azure who placed second with a 60% adoption rate (a rise from 58% in 2018), followed by Google Cloud with 20% (rising from 19%).
In regards to private cloud utilisation, VMware vSphere leads with a 61% adoption rate, with VMware vCloud Director in second with 37%, and OpenStack third place with 36%.
94% of SMBs praise the cloud’s security upgrade.
The nature of the cloud - cost-effective, secure, and easily navigated – makes it an ideal tool for smaller businesses. 94% of SMBs confirmed improvements, 59% of SMBs reported significant productivity benefits, 82% of SMBs noticed reduced costs and 70% of SMBs plan to reinvest saved expenses into their business and cloud services.
Projected global public cloud service market 2020 at $266 billion.
This would see a projected rise of 17.3% since 2018.
According to studies by Gartner, infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) solutions, such as cloud storage, will see the highest growth at 24% and is expected to reach $50 billion by 2020’s end, a rise from $31 billion in 2018. It remains also foretold that by 2022, 90% of businesses who purchase public cloud IaaS will possess an integrated IaaS and platform-as-a-service (PaaS).
Cloud computing can seem a touch confusing with the several subcategories that vary across providers. However, as a proven, trusted cloud solutions provider, Centerprise collaborates with leading vendors to provide the optimal solution for our customers.