Information about getting paid if you're a supplier to
Centerprise Group.
As a signatory to the Prompt Payment Code, we want to comply with its principles by paying suppliers within agreed terms and ensuring we provide guidance on our payment procedures.
The Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 means Centerprise International Limited reports publicly its supplier invoice payment practices and performance.
There are specific invoicing requirements that suppliers need to follow to avoid payment delays. In particular, suppliers must send invoices directly to accounts payable and not to individuals in the business.

Receiving orders
As a supplier, you should ensure you have authorisation from us before supplying any goods or services.
Purchase Orders are our preferred method and should be used unless we have agreed an alternative approach with you.
In exceptional circumstances, where a PO has not been issued, please ensure you reference the email address of your Centerprise Group business contact within the invoice.
Please be vigilant and check the authenticity of Purchase Orders before providing goods or services. If you have any concerns, please email our Accounts Payable team at: financepurchaseledger@centerprise.co.uk

All invoices must quote a Purchase Order number. This is essential payment information, so if you haven’t been provided with one you will need to refer to the person who placed the order with you before submitting your invoice.
Invoices should be sent as PDF by email to invoices@centerprise.co.uk
These documents are scanned and content is automatically transferred to our payments systems
Important: Sending invoices to individuals in the business, instead of directly to accounts payable, prevents us from being able to pay the invoices on time.

Centerprise Group’s standard payment method is direct payment to your bank account via the BACS system.
If you have a query regarding an outstanding payment please email our Purchase Ledger Team at financepurchaseledger@centerprise.co.uk